The Safe Way To Slice And Dice
When you think of accidents that occur in the kitchen, what most readily comes to mind? It may not surprise you to learn that injuries sustained by kitchen knives are at the top of the list. However, what may be shocking is most knife-related accidents occur when the blade has become too dull. Keeping a sharper blade actually reduces your risk of getting hurt as does learning the proper way to handle knives.
Making The Perfect Cut
Learn the proper way to use and handle a knife. Hold the item you plan to cut firmly with one hand. Be sure to tuck your fingers (i.e. curling them under) to avoid coming in contact with the blade of the knife. Grip the knife tightly and slice away from your hand. When mincing, always keep the tip of the knife on the cutting board and pump the handle up and down quickly. Only cut at a pace in which you feel comfortable controlling the knife! Below are a dozen more knife safety tips to keep your kitchen safe.
Top 12 Knife Safety Tips
- Always use a cutting board. Never attempt to cut anything in your hand or freehand over the sink.
- Replace cutting boards that have become warped or unbalanced.
- Keep cutting boards in one place by placing a damp towel underneath.
- Always keep knife blades away from you and pointing down while carrying.
- Do not carry knives when carrying other objects.
- Never leave a knife in the sink. Clean and put away immediately after use.
- Load knives in dishwashers with the blade side down.
- Store all knives in a wooden or cutlery block, not loose in a kitchen drawer.
- Never use knives to open cans, bottles or jars.
- Avoid distractions when using knives.
- Do not attempt to catch a falling knife. Get out of the way fast and let it fall.
- Never leave knives within reach of children.